The following link opens a booklet that I wrote some 30 years or so ago. I have done a brief update but have been surprised that as I have grown over the years, that at the level I was writing, I did not need to change much except that it was written for a Christian Community. An update is coming with a more universal interfaith approach.
The booklet is a basic introduction to prayer and meditation. It is a practical outline describing the processes rather than embellishing the ideas with stories of how the process can be effective. As prayer and meditation is so common to all major spiritual faith traditions, I assume to some degree, that it is vital part of spirituality.
You are welcome to download this booklet and share it with others or use it in study groups etc. If you use it for non personal purposes, I would appreciate it if you acknowledge me as the author. Any commercial use needs to be negotiated.
This is a temporary beginning of this category and more information will be posted including links to other sites.

Published 2023